Wedding Campaign | Dubai

Tesoro Academy is a premier training academy for young women aspiring to become models. With its specialized curriculum and expert coaches, Tesoro Academy provides the perfect environment for young women to develop the skills and confidence necessary to succeed in the competitive world of modeling. From developing a strong walk to learning posing techniques and building a portfolio, Tesoro Academy provides the foundation young women need to take their modeling career to the next level. Join us and discover the magic of unlocking your full potential as a model at Tesoro Academy!

Thank you for your interest in enrollment!

Santorini & Egypt Classes

estimated April 2024

What's included:
RT Flight & Stay included.
Breakfast everyday.
High-end video shoot.
Model coach & Photographer present.
Must have passport*.

Apply to be considered.

We look forward to speaking with you soon!

Classes are tailored for females. Must be 18+.